How to get rid of pigeons and other types of birds?
Birds are a class of vertebrate animals characterized by feathers, toothless beaks, and the laying of hard-shelled eggs. They are incredibly diverse, with over 10,000 known species ranging from tiny hummingbirds to imposing ostriches. Their ability to fly, although not universal among birds, is one of their most distinctive traits and has fascinated humanity since time immemorial.
Pigeons, a subgroup of birds, are particularly notable for their proximity to humans. These birds belong to the Columbidae family, which also includes doves. Pigeons are known for their ability to navigate long distances and have been historically used for communication as carrier pigeons. In urban environments, they are often seen as nuisances, but they play an important ecological role as cleaners and seed dispersers.

What are the dietary regimens of birds?
The diet of birds is extremely varied and depends on the species. This diversity in their diet is one of the reasons why birds have been able to colonize almost all habitats on Earth.
Granivores: Many birds, like pigeons, are granivores, meaning they primarily feed on seeds. Urban pigeons, for example, often feed on seeds, cereals, and leftovers of human food. Their beak is adapted for crushing and chewing seeds.
Insectivores: Some birds, like tits or swallows, primarily feed on insects. These species play a crucial role in controlling insect populations.
Frugivores: Frugivorous birds, such as some parrots and toucans, primarily eat fruits. They play an essential role in the dispersion of the seeds of the fruits they consume.
Nectarivores: Hummingbirds and some other bird species primarily feed on nectar. They have long, thin beaks adapted to access nectar at the bottom of flowers.
Carnivores: Carnivorous birds, like eagles and falcons, hunt and eat other animals, ranging from insects to small mammals.
Omnivores: Some species, like crows and gulls, have an omnivorous diet. They can eat a wide variety of foods, including human waste.
Piscivores: Piscivorous birds, like cormorants and pelicans, specialize in catching fish.
Pigeons, in particular, have a diet that tends to be omnivorous, but they are primarily known as granivores, meaning they mainly feed on seeds. Here are some key aspects of the pigeon's diet:
Seeds and Cereals: Pigeons consume a wide variety of seeds and cereals. They are often attracted to areas where these foods are abundant, such as parks, farms, and urban areas where people discard food.
Urban Environment Feeding: In cities, pigeons often adapt to a more varied diet due to the availability of various types of human food waste. They can eat bread, snack pieces, and other discarded or donated human foods.
Fruits and Ber ries: Although they are primarily granivores, some pigeons may also consume fruits and berries, especially those that live in areas where these foods are common.
Insects and Small Invertebrates: Occasionally, pigeons may eat insects and other small invertebrates, especially during the breeding season or in environments where seeds are less available.
Why is Bird Killer from Bed Bug Knocker considered the best solution?
If you wish to efficiently get rid of pigeons and other types of birds, the using Bird Killer product sold by Bed Bug Knocker is considered the best solution. This product is designed to rid specific areas of pigeons and other types of birds, making them easier to capture. It is highly effective, with the fastest method: instant bird elimination. Ultra-attractive baits for birds and no taste aversion. Moreover, it is the only attractant that guarantees 100% success, with an intense and persistent smell even in the most difficult weather conditions, including rain and snow.
Approved by the National Federation of Hunters, this product is economical in terms of yield, with 500 baits eliminating up to 500 birds. No danger to the user and the inhabitants of the treatment area. Long-lasting action, guaranteed effect for 12 months, and its application is simple, whether it is dispersed in all corners where birds are present. The anti-pigeon and bird can also be used all year round and is entirely composed of naturally derived ingredients.